Newsletter: July / Aug

Hello Members and welcome to our first newsletter!
We plan to publish after every Committee meeting so that you know what has been discussed and what is happening at the club, both on-going and events planned for the future.
Winter Training
Gym Sessions
Now that the nights are drawing in and the opportunities for going out on the river in the evenings are limited, there will be open sessions for seniors only in the evenings. Juniors are not allowed to take part in these sessions; your coaches will advise you what sessions will be available for you. Gym timetables are displayed on the island site.
Night Paddling
Please note that any senior paddler going out on the river when it is dark must have a constant light front and back on their boat. This is a British Canoeing safety requirement. Juniors are not allowed on the river at any time when it is dark.
Wednesday Club Nights
Our club nights take place every Wednesday evening after the junior and senior training sessions and are open to all. Dinner is available at £6.50 adult and £5 junior and is advertised on the club Facebook page. Don’t forget to book in advance to avoid disappointment, either on Facebook or via an email to club secretary Eleanor McKinlay at
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