Robert Lowery – Olympian: Died at the age of 87.
Robert Lowery – Olympian
- 1960 Olympics in Rome – K1 500-meter relay. semifinals.
- 1964 Olympics in Tokyo – K4 1000 meter. semifinals.
- Royal Canoe Club Trustee
- Royal Canoe Club Trust Director
Bob died on the morning of the 12th November 2024 at the age of 87.
He was an inspirational figure long after he retired from the sport, not only because of the results he achieved but because of the standards he set himself in training and life.
For many years the training diaries of Bob and his fellow competitors were kept in the club where a whole cadre of youngsters tried to match the weights he lifted and the training programmes he completed.
It took a good few years of training to reach the standards he set, and they weren’t often surpassed. Those paddlers who did match Bob were likely on their way to attending World Championships and on to further international accomplishments themselves.
As with many of our successful athletes Bod became a very successful business executive but in later years he returned to take a more active interest in the Club and the success of our young paddlers. It was by way of his extraordinary generosity that along with others we were able to replace the building on the Trowlock Island site with the gym, changing rooms, boat stores and ergo facilities that are enjoyed by so many these days.
He will be missed by all those who enjoyed his company and his generosity.
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