Who’s Who

RoleAppointeeContact Info
CommodorePhil Jonescommodore@royalcanoeclub.com
CaptainTris TurnerCaptain@royalcanoeclub.com
Vice-CaptainFinlay Hoganvice-captain@royalcanoeclub.com
SecretaryEleanor McKinlaysecretary@royalcanoeclub.com
TreasurerJackie Williamstreasurer@royalcanoeclub.com
Membership SecretaryPippa Hopkins-Hughesmembership@royalcanoeclub.com
Harbour MasterStephan Crehanharbourmaster@royalcanoeclub.com
Head Coach and Site ManagerRyan Larkjuniorcoaching@royalcanoeclub.com
Coaching ManagerBen Parfittben@royalcanoeclub.com
Welfare OfficersSue Bovington & Helen Gilbertwelfare@royalcanoeclub.com
Health and Safety OfficersKeith Holthealthandsafety@royalcanoeclub.com

How to Find Us

Train to Hampton Wick & Walk

  • Southwest trains run from Waterloo, through Clapham Junction via either Kingston (quickest) or Richmond and Twickenham to Hampton Wick regularly. Trains also run from Shepperton in the other direction.
  • From the train station walk through the tunnel under the track (away from the main road outside the station) into Station Road.
  • Turn right out of the tunnel onto Station Road and then first left onto Seymour Road. Walk to the end of the road and turn left past the primary school onto Lower Teddington Road.
  • Walk down the road until you reach the playing fields on your right and then turn right into Trowlock Way.
  • The Royal Canoe Club is straight ahead at the end of the road.

Train to Teddington Lock & Walk

  • From Teddington Lock, travel along Broom Road, passing Teddington Studios on your left.
  • About a 3/4mile pass Teddington School on your left and turn immediately left after the school into Trowlock Way.
  • The Royal Canoe Club is straight ahead at the end of the road.

Entering the Club Site