Flat Water Racing
We specialise in flat water canoeing, not least because that’s the predominant form of canoeing competition on the Thames.
We have coaches and technical facilities to help anyone who wishes to become competent as a flat water canoeist.
Royal Canoe Club is a competitive club and members race all around the country at marathon and sprint races.
We have a fleet of club boats (particularly crew boats) for members who wish to race doubles or fours. And there are some club single boats (kayaks) for use – details can be obtained from the club secretary.
Marathon races are run under the auspices of the British Canoe Union and take place on Sundays. The Hasler Series of races, which is a club-focused regional event, allow clubs like ours to compete with others for an annual competition, the final of which takes place in the early autumn.
Sprint races take place regionally and at club-level. National competitions take place in Nottingham four times a year. Royal Canoe Club is very active at regattas and many of our senior and junior paddlers race for selection to Great Britain teams.