Child Protection – General
We have a great bunch of coaches and a large group of junior (Under 18) canoeists who train under their supervision. In line with British Canoeing requirements, the following is an outline of our child protection policies.
Royal Canoe Club is committed to ensuring that all those taking part in canoeing at the club are protected and kept safe from harm while they are participating in our sport. This is particularly true in respect of children and vulnerable groups where it is important that they can enjoy our sport in a safe environment protected from any form of poor practice or abuse.
British Canoeing has developed a range of policies, guidance and templates to support to clubs. Royal Canoe Club subscribes to all British Canoeing policies in this respect.
The club has implemented the British Canoeing’s Child and Vulnerable Groups Protection Policy and has taken steps to ensure that anyone with any question about child protection or who wishes to draw attention to a problem can do so immediately. Any member or parent or other person with a concern about child protection can contact our welfare officers via email.
The key section on the British Canoeing policy regarding safeguarding and protecting children and vulnerable adults can be found on the British Canoeing website.
You can download the BCU’s policy regarding children and vulnerable groups from the British Canoeing site.
British Canoeing also has a whistle-blowing policy to encourage individuals to feel confident about raising concerns about the safety and welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in canoeing.
Please visit the British Canoeing website for the whistle-blowing policy Please note, if you have a concern about child protection at Royal Canoe Club, you can speak to one of the club’s two child welfare officers (CWOs) in strict confidence.
Child Welfare Contacts
Our child welfare officers are:
- Helen Gilbert — telephone 0796 712 0877
- Sue Bovington — telephone 0788 740 0952
Canoeing and Kayaking are Assumed Risk Water Contact Sports that may carry attendant risks. Participants (and their parents or guardians in the case of children) should be aware of and accept these risks, and be responsible for their own action and involvement.
Our CWOs will complete the BCU Recording Concerns Report Form and then report to the British Canoeing Child Protection Officer. In the event of an emergency or urgent concern or where the British Canoeing child protection officer is not available, they will refer the matter to Children’s Social Care Services and/or the police.
If you have a concern that you wish to take up with the British Canoeing Child Protection Lead Officer first, you can call 0115 896 8842 or email safeguarding@britishcanoeing.org.uk – alternatively you can write to British Canoeing directly at:
National Water Sports Centre
Adbolton Lane
Holme Pierrepont
Nottingham NG12 2LU
The action taken by British Canoeing will depend on the nature of the concern. In all cases the matter will be referred to British Canoeing Child Protection Case Management Referral Group.
Details of how the procedure from the British Canoeing website.
If you have a general comment or complaint to make about a coach, instructor or member of the club, please address it either to the following:
- The commodore: commodore@royalcanoeclub.com
- The vice-commodore: vice-commodore@royalcanoeclub.com
- The club secretary: secretary@royalcanoeclub.com
Or you can email the club child welfare officer: welfare@royalcanoeclub.com
If you make a complaint to the Canoe Club itself, we will discuss what measures may be required and take immediate steps to deal with the issue – either ourselves or in conjunction with British Canoeing. If you choose to complain direct to British Canoeing, Royal Canoe Club will obviously cooperate fully with any process that British Canoeing puts in place.
All coaches who provide instruction to children are CRB checked and are required to acquire and maintain valid coaching qualifications as managed by British Canoeing’s coaching system.
Parents/guardians/children must grant their consent for the taking and publication of photographic images at the canoe club.
Parents and spectators taking photographs/recordings should be prepared to identify themselves if requested and state their purpose for photography/filming.
All children featured in recordings must be appropriately dressed with outer clothing garments covering torso from at least the bottom of their neck to their thighs (i.e. a minimum of vest/shirt and shorts).
Coaches and others at the club may use cameras and/or video equipment as a legitimate coaching aid and means of recording special occasions however care must be taken in the dissemination and storage of the material.
Club website: photographs of junior canoeists will not be used on Royal Canoe Club’s website without the express permission of those whose children appear in the images.
The British Canoeing website features British Canoeing’s guidelines, policies and recommendations. You’ll find links on:
- The BC’s guideline for photographic/recorded images
- The BC Club Child Protection and Harassment Policy template
- The Junior Code of Conduct for members
- The BC Club Code of Conduct
- The BC Child Protection Leaflet for Parents
Royal Canoe Club would like to draw parents’ and carers’ attention to the code of conduct for children and parents, which can be found in the members area of the club website. This code simply outlines Royal Canoe Club’s expectations of children and their parents when it comes to the use of the club. In particular it summarises issues under three headings: Physical Needs and Safety; Mental and Social Wellbeing; and Helping to Keep the Club Running Smoothly.