Royal Canoe Club Newsletter October Edition
Hello everyone, welcome to the October newsletter!
Red Boards
The river has often been on red boards lately due to fast flowing high water. Please make yourselves aware of the club’s safety policy, which you will find on our website, before deciding to go out paddling in dangerous conditions.
Wednesday Night Senior Training Sessions
Senior Winter training sessions take place every Wednesday evening, starting with a 6k run around the bridges at 6:30pm and continuing with a weight session in the marquee afterwards at 7:15pm. All seniors are welcome to attend these sessions, just turn up on the night. Juniors are welcome to join in the run, as long as a coach is present to run with them. It is advisable to wear a Hi-Viz jacket and carry a torch. Juniors should not be doing weight training afterwards.
Club Night Kitchen
Don’t forget to book a meal after all that activity on a Wednesday evening. Details are on the members’ Facebook page and through the email sent out by the secretary every week. Unfortunately, the kitchen will be closed on Wednesday 29th November due to members of the kitchen crew being away. Normal service will resume on 6th December. We will be closing over the Christmas period and will confirm exact dates on Facebook and via email. How soon we close in December will be based on numbers booking meals, as these have been very low lately.
Christmas Parties
These take place on Saturday 9th December and take the form of a Christmas quiz.

Doors open for the junior quiz at 4:30pm for a 5pm start and the adult quiz is at 7pm for a 7:30pm start.
Tickets cost £10 and we’d prefer if you bought in advance, to get an idea of numbers.
You can buy your tickets from any of the kitchen crew on a Wednesday evening beforehand.
Tickets can be purchased on the evening but numbers are limited due to space.
Party food and nibbles will be served and there will be a raffle.
If you have anything you can donate towards the raffle, again please see the kitchen crew.
You can either enter a team of 6 or just turn up on the night and you will be able to join a team with fewer members.
Please dress in the Christmas Spirit!!!
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